Your Healing and re-connection
At Reconnect & Heal the modalities I use are simple effective holistic therapies that assists your body’s energy systems to re-synchronise, helping to restore your ability to heal and repair yourself, on all levels of being.
Give your body a voice, what stories & emotions are causing your pain, illness or disease?

News: Letting Go Ceremony
Let go of what no longer serves you
A powerful ancient ceremony
8 March 2025
Healing for all
Bek is amazing! She helped me work out what I was feeling and what was going on. I feel so much better. Just do it, it works. Cheers
Body talk has helped me really Unlock limiting beliefs and help me become my greatest self. Whenever I am stressed, anxious or even sick I know that there is something subconsciously blocking me what I need to know but don’t understand. Body talk helps me release old patterns and learn more about myself after each session. My first session helped me get rid of past traumas and learn to accept myself. I felt so light And I could feel drastic changes in my life and how I perceive myself and others. It really helps to clear your mind but also help to balance you and keep you in alignment. Not only does the body talk Help with your struggles, Bek’s advice really changes your perspective on certain things and changes your way of thinking so you can stop limiting yourself and actually life you desire
Ever since the session I feel like everything that didn't serve me is now completely gone. I have a fresh mindset, I can notice that I feel stronger and more confident in myself and decisions I make. I genuinely feel like the warrior is really doing something with in me. I also go my period today and I feel like this is the last cycle of getting rid of all the blockages and negativity stuck in my mind and body! I remembered this session a lot better as well so I feel like my memory is getting stronger as well which is a big and good thing for me! I'm learning to do a lot on my own such and to be okay on my own and I feel like it's working. And the more I just keep believing in myself and listening to the good advice the less space there is for negative thoughts. I'm proud of myself. my angels keep talking to me and making sure i conquer any uncomfortable feelings or any situation so I can keep getting stronger and decreasing my anxiety. Overall the session did a lot for me and a lot I wasn't aware of and I came to you at the perfect time! Thank you - Nikki
After seeing Bek - I am feeling absolutely fabulous and had some huge shifts take place. I have let go of some toxic relationships and came to the decision with ease and relative calmness. I’ve felt the most grounded I have in many many months. I feel so open to new opportunities and have let past hurts go. Greatly appreciated.”
I am a gymnastics instructor & was kicked in the side of the head by a student in February this year. I went to the hospital with concussion, huge swelling, bruising to my face & a misaliegned jaw. Many doctor visits, xrays, ultrasounds & appointments with specialist & no relief to the pain & discomfort in my jaw. I have been unable to have full movement of my mouth & it sat wrong when i put my teeth together. I've had headaches, swelling, a lot of pain & difficultly chewing. Most recently the shift in my jaw has caused my teeth to move & start crossing over, the dentist said it is due to the misalignment & i will need braces to fix it. All has moved back with a session of BodyTalk with Bek. After one session i can open my jaw & move it freely, my jaw is not blocked & moves as it did before. My teeth have also started to move back. I am so relieved, excited & grateful the pain has gone. I now dont have to deal with the workers compensation that avoided me & wasn't returning my calls. Thank you for fixing my jaw
"My experience with Bek and Body Talk as been amazing and I would recommend Bek and this therapy to anyone who wants to make positive changes for their health and well-being. I went to Bek to get help with recurring candida which I'd suffered from for years. What I experienced in the sessions with Bek is difficult to describe - but whatever it was ... it worked. I felt safe, supported, invigorated and was able to release a whole lot of 'junk' that my body was hanging onto from the past. Bek is an amazing healer and I would happily recommend her to anyone who needs any kind of healing in their life."
"My 7 year old daughter has suffered from sensory issues since her earliest years. More recently, she experienced a huge onset of sensory problems which meant she couldn't bear the feeling of most clothing or shoes - even hugging her or having blankets on her skin made her writhe in what seemed to be pain. Getting out of the house was almost impossible. School was a nightmare for her as she had to be in her school uniform and shoes all day. When I picked her up each day she would sob and throw her shoes against the wall and writhe on the floor after having held her feelings in all day. It was awful for our whole family. Then I found BodyTalk - a non invasive (and no touch if needed) technique. I cant fathom or explain how it works .... all I know is it does. Within days of her first treatment things got better and it continued to improve over the next few weeks. My daughter has had another session since (4 weeks later) and the sensory issues are pretty much completely non existent. We were doing other things too - like learning about anxiety management - which no doubt helped as well. But my sense is that it was the BodyTalk that did it. Before Body Talk, we had tried several doctors and all of them told me my daughter was just 'seeking attention' and to ignore it. I told Sofia we would find someone to help - and that I wouldn't stop looking until we did. After the first Body Talk session, my daughter turned to me and said "Mum, I think that was the person we've been looking for". I cried. I can't thank Bek enough for helping my daughter, and our family. Sofia felt safe, comforted and above all else, she was essentially healed within 2 sessions."
I went & saw Bek for help with my migraines & bad back. After the first session my migraines reduced for the first time in years & I had the best sleep in a long time. After a few session I noticed that my back was better & I could move so freely. I feel so relaxed & peaceful after seeing Bek, she helped me gain some clarity around some issues that were bothering me as well. Thank you